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Kundalini Activation

  • Dharma Studios Berlin Kienitzer Straße 98 Berlin Germany (Karte)


Kundalini Activation is a profound journey that unveils your unique life force energy. Guided by the innate intelligence of the nervous system, this process gently peels away layers of blockages, trauma, stored emotions and stagnant energy. This allows the release of what keeps you from freely and authentically expressing yourself in service for the highest good.

The art of letting go becomes the gateway to an expanded consciousness—where we can not just fully remember our essence of oneness and connection but also embody this truth in the here and now. Beyond the personal process, Kundalini Activation is a collective evolution towards transcending illusions, survival states, and the confines of separation. It elevates us beyond limited perceptions, opening up a boundless space to authentically express the fullness of who we really are.

PROGRAM of the 2h Kundalini Activation

  • Introduction & Preparation

  • Transmission approximately 1 hour

  • Sharing Circle & Closing


  • Wear light, loose, and comfortable clothing

  • Come on an empty stomach for at least 2 hours before

  • No coffee, alcohol, or other substances

  • You lie comfortably on your mat, and music plays. You allow the energy and music to influence you as you relax and attempt to let go more and more. There’s nothing you actively need to do. You allow it. You let go. How can you allow yourself to be more ‚Being‘ rather than ‚Doing‘? How can you surrender even more? As a Kundalini Facilitator, I support your process by working in the individual and collective energy field. Occasionally, your energy centers or meridian points are gently touched. Inside, various things can unfold. Spontaneous movements can occur, you might perceive energy movements in your system, experience non-dual states of consciousness, express emotions, have inner visions, and more.

    • Harmonization of the central nervous system

    • Emotional healing through deep emotional release and the expression of unresolved emotions

    • Increase of self-awareness, that attunes you more precisely to your thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations

    • Merging the mundane with the divine by recognizing divinity within you

    • Deeper appreciation of the present moment and a sense of reverence for all aspects of existence

    • Connection to the Oneness state, unity consciousness, where you feel interconnected with all of existence

    • Embodiment of your unique, authentic truth

    • Raising of consciousness - individually and collectively as well

    • A sense of lightness

    • A stronger connection with yourself and with the world

    • Unlocking your multidimensional awareness allowing you to perceive yourself and realities beyond the physical realm

    • Clarity of the mind and perception by clearing mental clutter and enhancing focus and concentration


Timing: 14.6. - 19:30-21:30

Price: 45€

Booking information: here

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