• Are found in this sheet

  • Every teacher has their personal Admin sheet, shared with you by email. In this sheet we will put the amount of students and profit via USC and via Bsport.

    You will add the number of students and the amount of people paying to you directly (whether in cash, Paypal or via your own booking systems)

    Important dates:

    • Before the month starts, fill out your classes in the Admin sheet, this calculates the minimum rent to pay. We will send out an invoice accordingly.

    • After each class, or latest by the end of the month, fill out any revenue received by you and the number of students in the Admin Sheet. We will do the same for any bookings via our booking system & USC. Deadline 5th of the next month

  • In your Bsport teacher account you can see the netto revenue per class under Payroll. That’s the same amount you see in your Admin Sheet under Bsport. This amount doesn’t include USC as this is a €0-ticket in Bsport.

    We have a 24h cancellation period in Bsport. If someone cancels within this time frame you’ll still get paid for this person. In USC we have a 12h cancellation period, nevertheless 99% of late-cancellations we don’t get paid from them, due to new rules they implemented by the end of 2023. No-shows from both USC and Bsport you always get paid.

    Netto revenue:

    • USC €8,00

    • Drop-in 45/60 €12,61

    • Drop-in 75/90/120 €15,13

    • 5-class €12,61

    • 10-class €11,76

    • unlimited €4,54

    • unlimited (reduced) €3,57

    • unlimited* €0,00 (Karma Yogis)

  • Dharma Studios Berlin
    Streufert - van der Weijde GbR
    Kienitzer Straße 98
    1. HH, 1.OG
    12049 Berlin

    Find the amount to invoice in your Admin sheet in the tab Overview under Payout

    Please invoice the amount as “Buchungen Bsport & USC Yoga” / “Bookings Bsport & USC Yoga” (“Yoga” can be replaced if you offer something different), for the period of the month (don’t list single classes).

    Note that you are invoicing us as a facilitator who rents a room at Dharma Studios and we payout the income that came in via our central booking systems. We are not “hiring” you as a Yoga teacher etc.

    Deadline: 15th of the next month

  • To do the check-in in your browser and to edit or cancel your classes you need a staff account. This is your login:
    Password: received by email

  • In Bsport you have your personal account with your regular email and the password you created with the forgotten-password-email you received.

    This account has member access to book classes and teacher access where you see your Bsport payroll (showing the net income per class of all bookings except USC - this is the amount we put in your Admin Sheet).

    To do the check-in for your class from your phone with the Dharma Studios Berlin App, you need to check-in with this personal account (your regular email).

  • If you’re not available to teach your class there are two options. If your prefer to cancel the class completely, please let us know in advance.

    Option 1:

    Use the Whatsapp Subs-group to see if any of the other teachers can sub your class. In Bsport click on EDIT in your class (this only works in the browser, not in the app). Change the class name (if needed) to the class type of the sub teacher. And add their name under “Substitute teacher”. This way it’s clear in Bsport that it’s a temporary sub of your class.

    Preferably find a substitute teacher for your class before the month starts so you don't pay the minimum rent and the class can be added to the Admin sheet of the sub. We can still refund the rent at the end of the month if the sub was more last-minute.

    Besides the regular option of selecting the class type of the sub teacher, if you prefer to keep the original class type, then you can still adjust the title and description. When you edit the class you can choose “custom name” next to the class type. There you can add for example "subbed by ..".

    •⁠ ⁠⁠As a sub teacher it’s possible to change the class duration if you prefer to teach longer or shorter than the original class length (only if the schedule allows of course)

    •⁠ ⁠⁠Important by choosing the class type and adjusting the length, is to make sure the right drop-in price is connected (!). Each class type is connected to either the 45/60 min drop-in €15 or 57/90/120 min drop-in of €18. So choose a class type of the same length or use the “custom name” option to manually replace the title and description.

    Option 2:

    If you prefer an external teacher to cover your class, then add “Guest Teacher” as substitute teacher in Bsport. You are responsible to explain the studio to this sub and let them use your account for check-in. Please inform us by email beforehand about this. You will pay the minimum rent and invoice us as usual. You sub will invoice directly to you.

  • *Class edits always need to be done in the browser, it's not possible in the Bsport app

    Number of participants

    By experience the big room works best with max 30 students (5 rows of 6 people) and the small room with 24 students (4 rows of 6). 7 in a row is possible, but not everyone might feel comfortable.

    You can edit the maximum number of participants by yourself. Go to your class > EDIT. On the top you find the total available slots and lower down the maximum number of USC-bookings. This way you can keep a few spots free for Drop-ins in case the class books out on USC.

    After adjusting the numbers, click NEXT, you can the activate Do you want to modify similar sessions according to these new conditions? if you want to adjust future classes as well.

    Facilitators who use their own booking system or USC next to the studios, make sure to align the numbers of both systems so the class doesn't overbook.

  • The profession of "teacher/coach/trainer" belongs to the category of freelancers that are obliged by German law to register with the Deutsche Rentenversicherung (more info here). It doesn't mean you have to actually pay: If your profit stays under €538 a month / €6456 per year, then you're free of charge. The only obligation is to register with them within 3 months of starting your business (i.e. registering at the Finanzamt). They inquire once a year for last year's profit as a teacher, and if you stayed under the limit of €6456 then they leave you alone for another year.

    We inquire about this cause if the Deutsche Rentenversicherung checks us, they may charge us the pension fee for the teachers up to 4 years back.

  • Find all our studio logos in this folder and pictures of the studio here to create your own content.

    We will reshare your Instagram stories twice a day: around 12 midday and late evening. It’s highly recommended to promote your class at least 24h before.

    We can create a collaborator post to promote you as a teacher of the studio and your class(es)

    On your personal page on our website ( we can link to any events you’d like to promote (e.g. retreats, workshops).

    You can put your flyer or business card in the studio on the small shelves. It’s possible to hang a poster, please discuss in advance.

  • At the opening of the studio we did a survey among the teachers to agree on what to pay for each others' classes.

    • Many teachers are used to practice for free in the studios where they teach. These are usually studios with fixed payment and practicing for free is a 'goodie' on top from the studio.

    • Free participation or an affordable price fosters community and we'd love our studio to be a place where we practice as well

    • We do like the idea to support everyone's work (financially). We have 30+ teachers in the team and extra participants in the class do take energy from the teacher. 

    What to pay when visiting other classes at Dharma's?

    • If you have a USC membership, you can check-in to your own classes and use your credits for classes of other teachers

    • €5 donation in cash (or Paypal - no invoice) 

    • If you plan to take a lot of classes at the studio get the monthly unlimited (either the full price or discounted, whichever you can afford) 

    • Free participation if money is an issue. Suggest a different kind of exchange: making a story in social media about the class, helping with check-in, etc

Before class

  • If the door downstairs in the courtyard is closed, use code 1379 on the key pad on the right top corner.

    • Summer: block the door with the stones to keep it open.

    • Winter: the first teacher of the day will turn the lock out so the door can't close anymore.

    Both the key for downstairs as well as the key for the studio are in the key box in the yellow hallway. When you enter look over your right shoulder. The code is shared to you directly and will change every few weeks. Always put the key back in the key box after opening the door, don't take it with you into the studio. During your class there might be another teacher or Karma Yogi arriving who needs to be able to open the door.

    During the Ashtanga Mysore slots, the first door (with the DHARMA STUDIOS letters) will stay closed as the studio door stays open (students are coming in at different times).

    At all other times make sure the first door is open so students can easily walk in. Close the studio door during class. If you expect some students to come late, you could start class and walk out briefly after 5 minutes to close the studio door.

    Make sure the students put their shoes on the shelves in the studio. Due to fire regulations we’re not allowed to have shoes in the yellow hallway.

  • Upon arriving to the studio, please turn on:

    • the lights in the dressing room

    • the “moon” light behind the check-in desk

    • the salt lamps

    • the light at the Shiva statue on the table

    • (the light of the foyer isn’t needed, the bulb is too bright)

    • the light in the studio if you like. The left button is the ceiling light. By pressing it for a longer time it you can dimm the light. The right button is the light on the back wall.

  • Check our schedule here and look in the tab of the correct month.

    The left column is the bigger room, the right column the smaller studio

  • In each studio we have a dehumidifier. Turn them off upon arrival to the studio. It's placed in the corner with the white side to the front.

    In summer we don’t need the dehumidifiers, please leave some windows open (or if nights are still cold just one). In the smaller studio leave only the last window open so people can’t get in via the scaffold.

  • Before students arrive, double-check:

    • if both toilets have toilet paper (there’s an extra roll above each toilet door). Extra rolls are behind the mirror (press the right lower corner of the biggest mirror to open/close)

    • If the studio looks tidy. Sometimes we encounter problems with our vacuum robot Dreamy. If you see your room is dusty, take the blue floor mop that’s standing behind the studio door. With that you can walk in a few minutes through the room to take the dust away.
      If you have more time: there’s a cableless Dyson vacuum cleaner under the desk. Connect the parts and make sure to put it back to charging afterwards

  • Are all found in the drawers in the kitchen!

    TEA - If the thermos with tea is empty, boil a full kettle of water and put two tea bags of your choice. Wash any used classes and put them to dry on the towel.

    CANDLES - there’s a candle on the small altar in each studio and two in the foyer: on the desk and table. Please refrain from putting candles in random places in order to avoid wax-mess.

    iNCENSE - there’s a holder on the small altar in each studio and on the desk.

  • USC students always need to scan the barcode before the end of class (there is no manual check-in or cancellation possible from our side, so you can’t check in USC-members by putting them on “present” in Bsport!). Let them show you the green screen, to make sure the check-in was completed, otherwise they will receive a no-show fee from USC. In Bsport the USC-members will automatically turn yellow (“present”) after they checked-in correctly.

    If the check-in is not working it’s usually one of these 3 reasons:

    • no network —> let them connect to the WiFi

    • scanning the wrong barcode: the upper one is USC, the lower ones are for the WiFi and Instagram

    • scanning the barcode of the wrong account: the yellow stand is from the Dharma Studios Account (the other ones are the personal accounts from Nico, Juliette, etc.)

    If the student can’t/forgot to check in: let them contact USC about this to get the check-in manually added.

    In USC there is our studio account “Dharma Studios Berlin”, as well as the accounts of several independent teachers. Please educate the USC-students about this hack, as some are confused with our different accounts:

    If they search for “Dharma” under “Activities” they can see our full schedule of all accounts combined.

    For each account USC-members have either 4 (M) or 8 (L, XL) check-ins. If they search for “Dharma” under “Venues” they can look at the offerings of each account individually.

    You can try this out yourself in the USC-App, even if you’re not a client of them.

  • We rent out our mats for €1, there’s a round beige box with gold letters under the desk for the money.

    You can give students with a drop-in a mat for free.

    Make sure to roll any hanging mats that are dry before class, so there’s space after class.

    Important: the Liforme mats need to be rolled with the colour (top) side outside!

  • In the bigger room we have 2 Teufel speakers. You can use one of them or pair the speakers to use both. To pair press the “party link” button on the back side of both speakers so the blue light turns on. One speaker will stay the “master” and the other has to be switched to “companion” mode. After connecting them, connect via bluetooth to the "master".

    In the smaller room there’s a Yamaha bluetooth speaker. Use the little remote to turn the speaker (and the nice light!) on and press the bluetooth button to connect. If you have connected before and have difficulties to connect again: either remove the device from your list and turn bluetooth and the speaker on/off or unplug the speaker and then try again.

after class

  • Tell the students to clean the rental mats with the spray and towels that are provided.

    Make sure you are at the desk after class to direct students to hang the mats to dry instead of to roll them.

    The best way to hang the mat over the bar, is to hang it over your forearm and then ‘lift’ it in.

  • Please make sure to:

    • air the room after class

    • In Winter put the dehumidifiers on (unless there’s a class right after you). In Summer keep one or more windows open (depending on the temperature)

    • Make sure all props are back in an orderly manner

    • Wash any used tea glasses

    • Make sure there are no cables on the floor (of the salt lamps, dehumidifiers and at the desk) that Dreamy (the robot) could get trapped in while vacuuming

    • Basically check if the studio is ready to receive the next class

    • Turn the lights & candles off (unless there’s a class right after)

    • After the last class

      • Close the studio with the key from the keybox.

      • Close the first door (with the DHARMA STUDIOS letters) by pressing the Tür schließen button on the wall on the left hand side (don’t pull the door!).

      • Close the door downstairs by removing the stone (in summer) or unlock the door with the key so it closes and put the key back into the key box.